12.09.21Who ordered the time capsule!? Not quite back, but I'm happy to announce since taking the site down in 2011(?) 3 new pages have been added LOL, Book 3 ended, and
book 4 has started! Stay tuned for more. Maybe it won't take 20 years this time... ~DCM
01.22.06 The
GALLERY section is up. WHEW, that took FOREVER, I finally had to just sit down and finish it. If you don't see old things from last time, it's because things got reorganized. I should be putting up more fanart and pics soon...See you Monday!~DCM
01.18.06 The
Cast section is up. 5 new charactes are up, more description coming. Still working on the gallery, world,extras...See you Monday!~DCM
PAGE is up a day early! T See ya next Monday with a two page spread ::crosses fingers::~DCM |
01.11.06 Pages edited in book 3: page
26. For various reasons mostly related to spelling and horrible bubble work:-) ~DCM
Happy New Year! Holy crap and NEW PAGE of book three is up! Archives to book three should be up tonight if you need to refresh. Catch the new piece of art in the Forum~DCM |
12.28.05 Rules are now up for the
FORUM! You do NOT need to Join LJ to comment and converse, but if you want to post topics you will need an